Wednesday, March 18, 2020

Keep Learning: Take an Online Course

Covid-19 has kept most of us in our homes. Schools, colleges, and universities all over the country have switched to online learning.  Employees from many industries are working remotely from home. Many of those who are doing it for the first time report improved productivity, fewer office interruptions, and more sleep.  They don't have to get up so early to take the train, bus or drive to the office.  Sure there are downsides like frequent trips to the refrigerator and the need to be creative to keep kids occupied.

You don't have to be totally deprived of social interaction. You can still talk to your friends face to face using many of the apps that are available. 

We have decided to take some online courses.  They are easy to access and many of them are free.  If you are questioning your computer skills, take heart, it is not all that complicated. Click on and make sure the volume is up.  Then sit back and fulfill your curiosity.  Many interesting videos are available on YouTube and other streaming services. And don't forget there are free books online.  You may not get the latest titles, but you will fine something worth your while.

We hope you and your families stay save in this challenging time and avoid getting bored by exploring your interests. 

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