Wednesday, June 7, 2023

When Do You Stop Feeling Young?

Several readers have asked the question, "When do most people stop feeling young?"  We originally thought that the age when people started feeling old is different for everybody.  Some people's hair starts to go gray in their 20s. That certainly isn't old! We've heard of knee's being replaced when people are in their 40s and 50s. Again, not very old.  Health varies for everyone, so clearly a health crisis can come at anytime and in a variety of forms leading people to the conclusion that they must be getting old.  Come to find out there are studies that target when most people start to feel old. Now guess. What age do you think is the average for when people stop feeling young?  50s? 60's? 70's? How about the 80's?  You'll be shocked to learn the age is 42.  Can you believe it? 

A recent study done by the Worldwide Independent Network of Market Research found that the early 40s were the critical time for people feeling that they had passed from young to older. Gray hair, aching joints, having reduced stamina...yes those weights in the gym do get heavier... and a health crisis all contribute to feeling older. So does comments from younger work colleagues.  We've had people in their 30s tell us that they are too old for certain jobs because the 20-29 year olds have a significant advantage. Granted that is in the world of technology.  Covid hasn't helped.  The past three years people have had to cope with isolation and loneliness brought on by the pandemic.  Also, we've had more time to think about our age.

There is an antidote for some of those feelings. It's called rewiring and it's the best tonic for replacing the sense of boredom and aging that often accompany retirement.  At lot depends on how you see the future. Is it a sunrise or a sunset? You would be amazed to see some retirees throw off aging and start a more robust and fulfilling life after work has ended.  For some it means embracing new work. For others it can mean pursuing a passion or a hobby now that there is more free time to be had.  Some of our readers report that travel and going back to school in the pursuit of learning can cast aging to the side. It takes planning and some pretty thorough self-analysis to determine what activities will keep you feeling young.  There's no time like the present to start the journey.  You will be glad you did and feel younger for having done it.

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