Wednesday, May 3, 2023

The Health Benefits of Visiting a Museum

As avid museum goers ourselves, we know the joy of viewing art and sculpture around the world. We've been called "museum nerds"  because every trip we take includes visiting a museum or two!  Several of our readers have told us that one of the new enjoyments they have in retirement is museum or gallery visits. One reader said "it was amazing to get lost for a few hours in a museum. I could never do that when I was working. I just wouldn't allow myself the time." Several claimed a museum visit not only delighted their eyes with great art but said it helped them to gather their thoughts and even gain a more positive attitude. We decided to investigate this idea further to get a better understanding if there are any real health or well-being benefits associated with going to museums.  Come to find out, there are many benefits beyond art for art’s sake. Recent studies have validated the efficacy of a stroll through a museum. 

The University of Pennsylvania has completed studies on the subject with amazing results. According to researcher, Katherine Cotter, “Art museums have great potential to positively impact people, including reducing their stress, enhancing positive emotional experiences, and helping people to feel less lonely and more connected.”  If you are having a bad day or feeling lonely what a great tonic it can be to stroll around with others getting good vibes from what you’re seeing.  Who knows, you might even make new friends along the way.

Studies in the United Kingdom have validated the importance to our well-being of having art in our lives. "It can help to boost confidence and make us feel more engaged and resilient. Besides these benefits, art engagement also alleviates anxiety, depression, and stress."


It doesn’t have to be planned. You can be in a neighborhood where is a museum is located and just decide to pop in for a dose of art therapy.  It doesn’t have to be a long visit. From what we’ve learned even a short time spent in front of paintings and sculptures can do the trick.  It doesn’t have to be a museum only. It can be an art gallery, a botanical garden, or even a stroll through a park where there are opportunities to see sculptures, monuments, or ecological ponds.  The important thing is to take the time out of your schedule to do it. Everyone can use a little more beauty in their life.

Museums are also a great place to think about the future.  Many rewirement plans have been jump-started sitting in a museum. Whether it's walking through a gallery, sitting in front of a piece of art, or having a coffee in the museum cafe, inspiration about your future is all around.

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