I am thrilled by some of the innovative and socially rewarding things that people 60 years and older are doing as "encore careers." (People under 60 are doing cool things too, but today I'm focused on 60+!) I am an advocate of people rewiring and when you see people doing things that are fulfilling their own needs and society's, you can't help but get excited.
Civic Ventures, the fantastic organization spearheaded by my friend, Marc Freedman, is looking for nominations for the next 10 winners of The Purpose Prize. The Purpose Prize is a $100,000 award for people over age 60 who have created new ways to solve social issues. From healthcare to education, to global warming to poverty reduction, winners of The Purpose Prize have been recognized for using their experience, wisdom, and skills to figure out new methods and/or organizations for improving communities both here and abroad. Click here to read about Purpose Prize winners.
I have met some prior winners, (who I consider to be great rewiring role models!) and have to admit that they are truly living fulfilled lives, while enriching the lives of others. I know that some of you are also doing great work, or know others who are so here is your opportunity to nominate yourself or another for the 2009 Purpose Prize award.
It's easy to do the nomination at www.encore.org/prize. The deadline is March 5, 2009.
So maybe you're not a candidate this year, but at least take a moment now and think---what issues are out there today that interest me? and that I would want to change? That is the beginning of the rewiring process that puts you on the pathway to your encore career!
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