The book, A TALE OF TWO CITIES, begins with the line, "it was the best of times, it was the worst of times" and for many that line sums up life today, both here and abroad. For over 15 years I have worked in the areas of executive search, and personal and professional growth and development. Writing DON'T RETIRE, REWIRE! was a logical output of that work since so many of us Boomers were looking ahead. Well we're still looking ahead....but the future has changed and for many it's pretty fuzzy. Many people feel betrayed by life, their employer, WALL STREET, and the government. As one friend said, " there's no place to run, and no place to hide!" So , breathe, and let's begin.
The concept of "rewiring" is not age or life stage specific, so it's not surprising that I have been doing some programs for outplacement firms, churches, and non profits to help people look at the future and their job options with a new set of eyes.
My talks haven't just been about tactics and strategies but about pain, being angry and in denial and how you need to rewire some of your energy and time so you can face the future more positively. I'm going to offer ideas on job hunting but also on keeping your sanity, and that is the focus of my blog today.
Here's a few basic ideas we need to be doing:
1. Breathe. Feel your stomach go out when you inhale. Focus on your belly. Slow down.
2. Eat. What foods are you eating? Junk or comfort food? Go for greens and protein.
3. Listen. What are you saying to yourself? Is it negative or positive? Don't depress yourself.
4.Watch. Watch what you're viewing on TV. Don't overload on financial news or politics!
5.Fitness. Get off your duff. Take a walk. Go to the gym. Walk
around the office. the block, the company parking lot!
My goal is to have you rewire some of your energy---even in a small way---do something different. You need it; I know I do!
Stay tuned.
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