Recognize these characters? They are the famous Walt Disney Seven Dwarfs from the Disney movie SNOW WHITE. Why have I featured them so prominently, because I think they have a positive message for us about work.
A real life person, Lee Iacocca, also has a positive message about work. It was the July, 1996 FORTUNE cover featuring Lee Iacocca with the headline- "HOW I FLUNKED RETIREMENT" that was the catalyst for us to write DON'T RETIRE, REWIRE! Lee Iacocca said he flunked retirement because he had underplanned his life, his activities, not his finances. Today it's a different story. Today's economic crisis, the surrounding chaos and impact on our investments, is driving many people into considering going back to work, if they're not there already. Lee Iacocca hadn't planned it, but he has rewired several times....he has gone back to work...sure it was to buy businesses, to write books....maybe not our league, but the key is is that he is doing work he enjoys!
Work is only a bad four letter word if you hate what you're doing!
Much of the media is reporting the horror stories. They're not giving their readers or viewers any sense of hope, or any tactics or ideas to pursue. I'm known as the "rewiring guru" and I take that title and coinciding responsibility seriously so I'm here to give retirees a few ideas...BUT THE TRUTH IS, THESE IDEAS WORK FOR PEOPLE REGARDLESS OF THEIR AGE.
1) Before you charge out, use the ZEN philosophy- You can't see your reflection in rushing water.
2) Think about how you want to work. --Do you need full time, part time, seasonal, or flex time and how do you define that for yourself?
3) Try combining your interests and your skills. Yes, times are challenging, but go after work that you think you'll like and that you would look forward to doing.
4) Your resume tells some of your story, but why not create an accomplishment sheet for yourself. Having a list of your successes will help you recognize all you have done and allow you to determine what might be applicable to a new work situation. Plus it will help those you are networking with understand you better!
5) Manage your expectations.
We're all in this together and I hope to be sending along ideas with some regularity...and remember...breathe...
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