Friday, December 6, 2024

Grandparenting As You REWIRE!

REWIRING! has many facets. Grandparenting is one of them that offers great joys and sometimes unanticipated stress. Being a grandparent and a retiree can present a unique set of challenges, despite the anticipation of enjoying more time with grandchildren. While retirement offers the freedom to devote yourself to family, it also coincides with trying to balance your own needs with that of your family.  

Physical limitations and health concerns may put up some barriers. Keeping up with the energy and pace of young children can be physically demanding. Aches and pains from bending and lifting, playing, and chasing are familiar feelings for a lot of grandparents. Get out the Advil or the Tylenol!

The role of grandparents has evolved significantly. Navigating unfamiliar territory, such as step grand parenting or long-distance relationships due to relocation can also add a lot stress. Striking the right balance between offering support and respecting the autonomy of your adult children in parenting decisions can be cumbersome. Additionally, as retirees, grandparents may face financial constraints that limit their ability to provide for their grandchildren in the same way they could when working provided more disposable income. Slipping money to a grandchild for a new pair of sneakers may become a financial hardship. Just look at some of the price tags today.

While grandchildren bring immense joy and fulfillment, they may also serve as reminders of the passage of time and the shifting dynamics within your family. Retired grandparents may grapple with feelings of nostalgia for lost youth or concern for the future well-being of grandchildren. You don't necessarily long to be a kid again, but you may begin to mourn the passage of time. There can be other stress, as well, when the grandkids refuse to listen or worse call you out as "so out of touch." That stings like a lash.

Enjoy the kids. Somehow things work out even if they don't listen. Relish their smiles and laughter. Help them dry their tears and celebrate their victories. Whether in person or on the phone, or through text or FaceTime, stay connected. They just want to be loved. So do you.

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