Monday, January 9, 2023

Resolutions Aren't Just for New Year's Eve

News flash:
You don't have to wait until the start of a new year to make resolutions that will improve your life, reset your behaviors, or start yourself on the path to new experiences.  Resolutions on New Year's Eve often end in the trash bin along with the party hats and champagne bottles from the night before.  Before you make any resolution regardless of the time of year there is a step you will be well served to's called " looking inside yourself."

We asked several of our readers who are REWIRING Champions how they approached making resolutions.  Almost unanimously they said: We took the time to look inside ourselves and to understand what really is important to us now. We wholeheartedly agree. Self introspection and hence self awareness are often the best guides for making important resolutions or decisions of any type.  Asking yourself what is important to you, what achievements do you aspire to (big or small, at work or at play), what can you do to improve yourself or the world around you can be life altering.  It's true, the longest journey starts with the first step and procrastination is real but it is our loves we're talking about. Starting off with achievable goals builds confidence once they are achieved. Then you feel more comfortable to continue to the harder goals.  Think of resolutions as a ladder.  The first few rungs are easy. The higher you go the task becomes more difficult and the tighter the grasp required to hold on and reach the top. Slowly and steadily resolutions can become realities, just like reaching the top of the ladder.

Among the resolutions most often mentioned by readers who have contacted us are finding a not for profit and committing time for volunteering; going back to school to take a course (online or in person); traveling to a place never visited before; helping out a family member who may be stretched for time or who is aging and needs support; and enjoying an activity in greater depth such as music, art, woodworking, hiking, golf, etc. The resolutions are your own so let the kite out and make some regardless of the time of year. You can begin to REWIRE anytime. Resolve to do so. How about NOW?

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