Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Stop Worrying About What Others Think

Many people have a lifelong affliction. They worry about what others think of them. Philosophers through the ages have cautioned us to be wary of being concerned about others' thoughts. To paraphrase, when you worry about what someone else thinks of you, you become their prisoner.  Not a reassuring concept.  A recent article in The Atlantic, titled No One Cares! offers some great insight into the subject.

Retirees no are different than anyone else when it comes to caring about what others think.  Keeping up with the Joneses has been a concern for a lot of people throughout their lives. As a result people are driven to overspend on cars, houses, fashion, jewelry, vacations.  Many a bankrupt has gotten there by wanting those around them to think they are rich or smart or beautiful or handsome.  Guess what? According to the article, most people aren't thinking about us at all. They are thinking about themselves. They are the lucky ones.

Our readers periodically let us know that they have missed many opportunities because they "couldn't compete" with their friends or anyone else who they thought were judging them.  Social media has only made it worse. It can become a crippling fear to have strangers post negative things on your Facebook page or your Pinterest or Instagram accounts. It rarely means they are concerned for you, it could be that they are just mean spirited. They may not even know who you are. But some people can't stop worrying about it.

Free yourself. Don't let anyone into your head who you wouldn't welcome into your home! The emotional benefit is beyond measure.  The holidays are approaching. Give yourself a gift: STOP worrying about what others think. And remember, only you can do it for yourself.

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