One of the sessions we thought very valuable highlighted the need to start preparing for retirement at an early age. How early? Very early!
A panel discussion stressed the need to teach children and/or grandchildren money management. After all the sooner you start saving for the big event...retirement.... the more you'll have to sustain your lifestyle. Simple things like how to manage a budget, balance a check book, starting a savings plan, and the power of compounded interest are important tools. Sadly, schools rarely teach this critical life skill. So if you don't do it, there is a good chance that younger members of your family will miss out.
The panel also recommended instilling in family members the need to play and exercise. Get out from in front of the screen and go for a walk, a run, or go to the gym, or take a swim was the message. The obesity epidemic can only be overcome if everyone is aware of good diet habits and the need for daily exercise regiments.
These two ideas are important at any age, but if you help children get on a path towards a healthier and more financially sound future that will make their life and REWIRING even easier! Start the conversation sooner than later.
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