Herman sets the record straight: "I may be old, but I'm still aware of things." He embraced technology 10 years ago as a means to stay in touch with friends and family. But he doesn't stop at technology. He has a personal trainer, a yoga instructor, and a keen desire to keep on writing. It's his passion, but it is also his job. We always ask people who are considering retirement, "If you love what you do, why would you want to stop?" No one had to ask him. He is already working on a new book. Hopefully it will be out before he hits 100.
Beyond being a great, mature author, he is a wonderful role model regardless of age. None of us know how long we will live or how long we will continue to enjoy a vital and engaged life. But we should never forget that there are two things in our control that are the best measure of our individual futures. They are our attitude and effort. A positive attitude and a committment to using the energy that resides within us is the best predictor of a more fulfilled future.
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