In my speeches on rewiring I tell people to look into their past to discover interests or themes that could lead to new career or work opportunties. But now I'm saying use your past to re-discover new fun! You see, one day in school, a teacher who was frustrated by me said..."who do you think you are? Lady Jane Grey?" I had no idea what or who she was talking about so I ran to the library and discovered the book on Lady Jane Grey, the 16 year old girl who sat on the English throne for only nine days before she was beheaded! I was smitten with her story...and that was the beginning of my love fest with the Tudors, London and English history overall!
So why did I go to London now? To see the special exhibit on Lady Jane Grey at the National Portrait Gallery. We can make our fun time even more fulfilling and rewarding for ourselves when we go deeper into our experiences! So I like to say follow your dreams and your themes!
And I'll have more themes to report on about London!
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