Many people have been dreaming about pursuing a career in the non-profit world. They imagined rewiring into an encore career that would be truly "meaningful." Then the economy collapsed and they "tabled" their dreams! Dreams may need to be altered or slowed down but they don't have to be discarded!
Life has always been complex and there are few absolutley perfect times to make a career move. We believe that this is a good time to start doing your due diligence on your dream: start exploring your self and some actual encore career opportunities.
Michael Watson, Senior Vice President of the Girl Scouts, and a former corporate executive who rewired into the nonprofit world, and I believe so strongly in this topic and in your future that we wrote an article for entitled: "Finding A Nonprofit Career During Tough Times."
Our goal in writing the article was to be both practical and inspirational and offer tips to jump start your thinking and acting.
Don't be put off by the economy. The challenge for all of us is to figure out what The New Normal will be like; your New Normal could include an encore career, and it might be right around the corner so start exploring!