Thursday, May 21, 2009


Dancing with the Stars is a terrific metaphor for Rewiring™. The celebrities involved are almost always people who achieved a level of fame, but now the reason for that fame is fading, faded--or gone. But they still want to be visible and known for something.

The stars I’m talking about weren't trained as dancers. But like great dancers, these actors and athletes almost always are willing to make a sacrifice. Actors wait on tables and athletes strain almost daily at the gym. In the case of dancing, all of them had to learn a whole new set of skills. They are always drawing on strengths from their past, whether that's talent, discipline, courage, or simply the ability to make people want to root for them.

Significant is the fact that none of them rewire alone. They seek out encouragement and training from a variety of sources, from their primary dancing instructors to the parade of motivators that surface during their training and performances. By taking the risk of looking foolish, failing, or having people say they should have stayed retired or out of the limelight, they have opened themselves up to new opportunities. There is a lesson here for all of us.

Friday, May 15, 2009


I've heard that during times of change and challenge that people take to working out more. I was curious to see if there was any data to support this notion, and discovered that the Sporting Goods Manufacturers Association had some very interesting findings.

Since a lot of the work I do has to do with mature workers, remember that is any one over the age of 40, (I know many of you may be freaking!) I have a high interest in that group. I learned that the most popular athletic activities among people 55+ are fishing and golf followed by fitness walking, treadmill exercise, stretching, and the use of hand weights.

Since people are watching their money, I love the fact that walking, stretching, and lifting weights are free or inexpensive, and in this economy, that sounds pretty good. In fact The Wall Street Journal had a great editorial by Cameron Stracher called RUNNING FOR LEAN TIMES.

I live in New York City, and have run in the MORE mini- marathon, but more importantly for me, I walk alot. The health benefits of walking are huge. Walkers are a lot healthier than their sedentary friends. Walking reduces the chances for cancer, heart disease, stroke and diabetes, and if these aren't good enough reasons to put on your sneakers or comfortable shoes I don't know what are! Yes it means that you have to rewire your mindset and view walking as fun and as a positive move, and not as drudgery!
And by the way, when you walk you will want to stretch before and after. And that means you've participated in two positive sports!! So go for it. And start out slowly; don't overdue and don't try to prove that you're a jock if you're not!

Thursday, May 14, 2009


I had been saying that I wanted to build yoga in to my life for awhile now. And like many of you, I live in the land of good intentions (it sounds better than saying the land of procrastination) and some things get done faster than others. But I'm pleased to say that practicing yoga and trying to live what I call a yoga life--- are now a part of my life. I always knew that yoga was good for my body, soul and spirit but I was even more thrilled when a friend sent me the article entitled: "YOGA'S GRANNY SWAMI"

Bette Calman is an 83 year old yoga instructor who has no problem doing a headstand and has taught the spirit of yoga for over 40 years. She is an inspiration on every level. As I travel the country giving people ideas on how they can rewire their life I now add ---and try yoga. Be aware that there are many different types of yoga and yogis so you may try a few different classes before you find one that feeds your spirit and soul.

If you want to do some homework, read YOGA JOURNAL or check out The Everything Yoga blog at

Monday, May 11, 2009

Suzanne Braun Levine Does It Again!

The whole "age thing" can rock people. Some people out there are denying their age; even denying to themselves that they're getting older. And then some people I know, not many, but some, say they are actually older than they really are so others will think they look terrific for their age! ( and can you imagine one time the culprit was my own little sister!) She got back into yoga and living right and quickly returned to her senses.

But it is the French philosophy that I love. They say "you have to feel good in your own skin." For all I know the French could be big fans of plastic surgery but regardless I still think it's a wonderful philosophy to live by.

And now Suzanne Braun Levine's new book, FIFTY Is the New Fifty, offers a great new philosophy that I think many of us have been waiting for! The book is honest, practical, inspiring even a little irreverant and everyone should read it and LIVE IT! And if you want to know more or subscribe to her newsletter visit
You keep us in the present and honest Suzanne!