Tuesday, January 25, 2022

What Makes Retirees Happy?

When we speak with individuals who are looking forward to retiring, we are often asked, "What makes for a happy retirement?" Our conversations typically focus on the important things an individual can do to maximize the enjoyment and fulfillment in the time ahead.  People entering retirement hear frequently from those already in retirement, "I've never been so busy. I don't know how I ever worked!"  We ask people to listen clearly, "It isn't about being busy. Anyone can be busy. There is a secret to a happy retirement." That usually gets their attention.

A happy retirement is about doing things that provide fulfilling experiences; things that stimulate curiosity and encourage an individual to go deeper into something they enjoy. Exploring and learning more about the subject of interest can be exceptionally rewarding. Anybody can be busy in retirement. Happy retirees are fulfilled individuals.

Often people focus only on the leisure activities they never had time for during their working years. But retirement is not a vacation. After a few months of experiencing what they have missed, many of our readers ask us, "What's next? I'm getting bored." That's where self-knowledge comes in. Get to know yourself better before you retire. It will open your eyes to possibilities. Importantly, it will eliminate a lot of wasted time just being busy.

Monday, January 10, 2022

2022 What's Old is New

There is an old philosophy that exhorts us to count our blessings every day. By doing so we have a better chance of recognizing what's important to us. It also puts into perspective those things in our lives that matter the most and matter the least.  As we enter the third year of the Covid pandemic, we have had ample time to reflect and sort out the good things in our lives and recognize the "nice to have, but unnecessary," and the really meaningful which makes life sweeter. Rewiring is a lot like that. We suggest to our readers that taking stock of their lives and understanding what motivates them as individuals is the beginning of the journey to fulfillment.

The same thing is true of setting goals for ourselves. Examining the goal you select in the clear light of day often results in embracing it even more or deciding to discard it altogether.  Sometimes the goal is set because it seems that is what society values or what our friends and neighbors value.  The question to ask yourself is what do you value? If you succeed in achieving the goal will it make your life or anyone else's life better? We don't ask that question of ourselves enough, because the answer can make us different or set us apart from others.  

Appreciating what we have is a wonderful goal to put into our lives in 2022, and when you admit to it others might listen and just start doing the same. It gives you a chance to touch your own life as well as the lives of others. What could be more positive in an age when so much seems confusing and anxiety provoking. Once we start practicing counting our blessings, the list will get longer as well as more meaningful. There will be many surprises on the list, too. Here's to a healthy and Happy New Year!