Wednesday, December 22, 2021

Friends Make All the Difference

We frequently ask readers to tell us what they think makes for a happy retirement. Most cite health and financial security. The next ingredient is a stable family life. Someone who love's them and someone they can love. Perhaps it's a spouse or a partner who can share life's journey with them through thick and thin. Almost everyone also mentions having friends as one of the most important ingredients. As one reader put it, "Having a friend is like having ballast on a ship. It keeps me stable and settled. If the sea of life gets too rough, I can turn to my friend who will listen to me; keep me calm; and do what needs to be done to help me get through the stormy periods, the rough seas." We couldn't agree more.

Healthline, an online newsletter, has published 10 Tips for Making friends at Any Age. The article details the benefits of friendships including calling friends, "...a proverbial vaccine for improved health." There are quite a few benefits. Ignoring having or making friends can be a recipe for a challenging future. Sadly, one third of people aged 45 and older are experiencing loneliness and isolation. Over 25% of individuals over aged 65 are socially isolated. Being alone at any age is tragic, but especially in older age when you need the comfort of knowing someone cares. Being able to say "I have a friend," is worth its weight in gold.

The Mayo Clinic has put out an article on friendships that echoes the importance of friendships and the sense of well-being they can create in us. Making friends in retirement can be a challenge especially for individuals who move to a new community. The people you meet won't be "life long" friends, but they can develop into friends nevertheless. The Healthline article offers great ideas to help individuals connect with others. There are a lot of obstacles to meeting new people, making new aquaintances and converting some to real friendships. Read the article and customize it to your own circumstances. You will be the happier for it. And remember to have a friend, you must be a friend. So it does start with you!