I recently attended a roundtable event sponsored by New York Senator Liz Krueger entitled: The Graying of the American Workforce: “Planning Ahead:Boomers & Seniors Living In the 21st Century.”
It was the first of a 5-Part Series for Boomers and Seniors, and during this first session, The Graying of the American Workforce panelists addressed age discrimination, reinventing yourself as preparation to re-enter the workforce, and what does it mean to “give back” in the second half of life.The room was packed with women and men, at least 50+ who were eager to get back in the game.
It is a fact that age discrimination exists but many people 50+ are finding new and creative ways to rewire their energy into new jobs and project opportunities. A representative from the Freelancers Union told the audience that 30% of the country's workforce are freelancers.The reality is that freelancers are left out of the social support system and often lack health insurance, unemployment insurance, retirement plans and basic labor protections. Not surprisingly she was advocating the very positive benefits of joining the Freelancers Union.
It was the first of a 5-Part Series for Boomers and Seniors, and during this first session, The Graying of the American Workforce panelists addressed age discrimination, reinventing yourself as preparation to re-enter the workforce, and what does it mean to “give back” in the second half of life.The room was packed with women and men, at least 50+ who were eager to get back in the game.
It is a fact that age discrimination exists but many people 50+ are finding new and creative ways to rewire their energy into new jobs and project opportunities. A representative from the Freelancers Union told the audience that 30% of the country's workforce are freelancers.The reality is that freelancers are left out of the social support system and often lack health insurance, unemployment insurance, retirement plans and basic labor protections. Not surprisingly she was advocating the very positive benefits of joining the Freelancers Union.
She also told the group how to reposition their skills; market themselves and price for their services. If you are stuck and don't know how to go forward take the time to check out the Freelancers Union. Another benefit is networking events that will help you network yourself into hopefully some new and exciting gigs.
I'm passing along this information because I think people might find some new and unexpected answers. You don't have to be 55 to be asking yourself the question what do I do now? People of all ages are wondering where, how and if they will be able to continue to work. Just remember this, you're not alone.