Each day it seems like we are facing more uncertainty, both collectively and individually. When people, such as retirees, Boomers, Gen X'ers, anyone asks me from a rewiring standpoint what they shoud do, or even read to stay ahead of change or in the game, I always cite my hero---Winston Churchill. He had many highs and lows in both his professional and emotional life. He experienced triumph and loss, but never wavered in his motto "never despair."
I remember how Mayor Rudy Guiliani often referred to Churchill after the tragedy of September 11th. Mayor Giuliani stated he borrowed his basic message from Winston Churchill's “ Finest Hour” speech. I'm not comparing today's challenges to the horror of 9/11, but rather saying that Churchill is a great role model for us as we face current problems and challenges. Churchill never gave up. That's why I believe we are seeing Churchill's motto "KEEP CALM and CARRY ON" plastered on posters, coasters, T-shirts, everywhere...it's just the right message for the times.
Through our research we know that people often feel helpless and hopeless,with little control. Things probably won't be corrected as soon as we would like, so maybe it's time to dust off (or rewire)some of our old thinking about money, life, relationships, even fun, in the hopes of discovering new and even better ways to carry on!