Thursday, September 30, 2010

Ants in Your Pants Are A Good Thing

Jim Sollisch recently published an article in The Wall Street Journal entitled:"Ants in Your Pants? You Will Probably Live Longer."

The premise of the article is that the more you move, bounce, fidget, or even go for a walk, the healthier you will be and as a result live longer. In so many words fidgeting is good for your body and your brain.

When I was a kid, and always doing "stuff," I remember my parents saying...what's the matter with you? Can't you sit still? In fact they have been telling me to sit still since I was about 3 years old, and I always equated it with buzzing around like a bumble bee.

Now as a grown up I realize that we have advocated something similar in our book, Don't Retire, REWIRE! Except in the book we call it rewiring®. Rewiring® is taking energy previously used in one area (typically work) and moving it into new, fulfilling activities. The simple act of shifting energy moves people around into new work, volunteering, learning new sports, games,or devoting time to hobbies and other life enhancing endeavors.
In his article Jim says that stepping back from the computer and email actually improves results,and you will also lose weight. You may also gain a new zest for life. Now that's two good reasons to get moving and get rewired®.

Monday, September 13, 2010

A Longevity Secret

As I travel the country I run into people all the time now who are really old in age yet youthful in thought and outlook on life. Yes, many won the gene pool so they have longevity on their side, but others did it by having curiosity. They often tell me that having an active mind and body led to a more fulfilled and engaged long life experience.

One such person died last week. John Kluge was at one time the second richest man in America. He died a billionaire, but not one of the richest. He stayed active until his health failed. I never met him but was intrigued to discover that he had offered his longevity secret to The New York Times when they were preparing his obituary for the paper when he was 72 years old.

"I love the work because it taxes your mind. (Remember he was the founder of MetroMedia)Years ago, I could have taken a few million dollars and joined the country club and gotten in to this pattern of complaining about the world and about the tax law." But he didn't. He wasn't just into business. He grew flowers and collected paintings, African sculpture and Indian, Chines, Greek and Egyptian objets d'art. In other words, he had hobbies. He had cultivated interests, something I am constantly suggesting in my speeches.

I am pleased to say that I have met many more people lately, with a lot less money than John Kluge, who are exploring hobbies and interests as a way to constantly rewire and stay engaged in life throughout their life. No matter how busy you are take out some time for yourself.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Insights From A 60 Year Old Intern

The Wall Street Journal had an interesting, and very honest article entitled: Older U.S. Work Force Has An Ugly Wrinkle. Reading the article was like watching a reality show--the content was " very real" especially at 6:30am. Many people have to work longer, some want to work longer, and the impact is that more Americans are putting off retirement.

Some people in need of finding new work need to look at things differently--in fact they need to think like teenagers and imagine landing an internship---a great way to test a job and yourself in a new role. did a great article on the topic entitled: Lessons From A 60-Year Old Intern where the "older"interns share their positive emotions and challenges. I view it as a Must Read for both individuals and organizations, and see internships as a valid new pathway for mature workers.

More organizations need to change their thinking and begin to value the mature worker who brings wisdom, skills and experience to organizations. It's time for everyone to rewire® their thinking as we face a new and constantly changing competitive future!