Computers, the internet, new applications, new industries, social marketing, etc., all require some form of continuous education, and that's just what recruiters want to see.
If you want to rewire® and have a competitive advantage in our complex world, it means making an even deeper dive into your field. If are changing careers, you may have to go back to school and start the learning journey from the beginning.
New York Times columnist Steven Greenhouse nails it with Learning Curves On the Career Path. The good news is that learning today is more accomodating with online education, weekend courses abbreviated on campus courses, and more. Colleges and universities have pumped up their offerings in new fields like Green, energy management, global ecology, etc., and the government is making more training money available.
Read between the lines, it's even more important today to select a job and work that you really enjoy. After all you will be spending more and more time learning about it as well as doing it.