Wednesday, October 28, 2009


The Pew Research Center recently published the results of their "GROWING OLD IN AMERICA" survey. I found the results very interesting and beneficial to all of us, regardless of our age or stage of life.

One of the key questions was: What do Americans 65 and older like most about growing older?
They say:

  • more time with family 70%

  • more time for hobbies/interests 65%

  • less stress 59%

  • volunteer work 52%

  • more travel 52%

  • religion is very important 62%
45% of Americans 75+ say their life turned out even better than they expected. So what if someone asked you...what constitutes the good life for you? What would you say?

I believe that it's during challenging times that we need to reflect on our lives; to take stock of who and what in our lives are really important to us. When times are good we take a lot for granted. It's during the tough times, when the rubber meets the road, that we need to look around and identify what gives us joy and fulfillment.

If you're like most Americans today, you have or are facing some type of change--and you probably don't like it. We can't control life nor other people and it's scarey when we don't know what the future holds, nor what the "new normal" will look like. The one thing that I hope that all of us know, is what we do like.

So while we're in this time of change, take stock of your life and begin to build in, or build back the things that make your life---the good life.