These tough economic times know no boundaries! Canada, like the United States, is now going through its worst recession since the 1930's and many Canadians, are looking to refocus their careers and their lives.
I was flattered when the Toronto Sun picked my brains for ideas on how to use the rewiring process to help their readers refocus their life at work and play. I think that it's a greater challenge to enact change when you are living in the middle of change itself, but I totally believe it's possible to take back some control in our lives--- in fact I think it is actually highly desirable! You might be thinking --"no way"--but the truth is, we are in greater control of our lives than we realize.
I know that it's hard to imagine that, especially on days where we feel totally out of it but take the time to read the Toronto Sun article---the tips and new ideas I present work regardless of where you live, work or play!